Ensuring Software Maintainability's Critical Role in Successful Information System Implementations for Organizations


  • Rully Fildansyah Sanskara Karya Internasional




Software Maintainability, Information Systems, Organizational Software, Software Development, Business Adaptability


In an era characterized by dynamic and ever-changing business environments, the adaptability and scalability of software within an organization are of paramount importance. To facilitate easy adaptation to changing business needs and company-specific requirements, software must be thoughtfully designed from the outset. This adaptation and enhancement process raises a fundamental question: to what extent can the software currently in use be further developed and maintained? Software maintenance, a critical activity, spans the entire software lifecycle, from its initial deployment to its eventual obsolescence.  This research delves into the imperative role of software maintenance within an organization's information systems and the essential procedures required for effective maintenance. By exploring the necessity of maintenance in the context of organizational software and information systems, this study aims to shed light on the strategic value of maintaining software integrity and functionality in a rapidly evolving business landscape.


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How to Cite

Fildansyah, R. (2023). Ensuring Software Maintainability’s Critical Role in Successful Information System Implementations for Organizations. Eastasouth Proceeding of Interdisciplinary Research, 1(01), 49–56. https://doi.org/10.58812/asir.v1i01.26