The Impact of Teaching Strategies, and Student Engagement on High School Learning Outcomes in West Java
Teaching Strategies, Student Engagement, High School, Learning OutcomesAbstract
Education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of individuals and societies. This quantitative analysis investigates the relationships between teaching strategies, student engagement, and high school learning outcomes in the diverse educational landscape of West Java, Indonesia. Through a stratified random sampling approach, data was collected from high school teachers and students, encompassing a variety of teaching strategies, levels of student engagement, and academic records. The results of this study indicate a strong positive correlation between active learning strategies and student engagement, emphasizing the importance of interactive pedagogical methods. Intrinsic motivation emerged as a significant predictor of both student engagement and academic achievement, highlighting the need to enhance students' interest and relevance in the curriculum. Positive teacher-student relationships significantly influenced student engagement, underlining the importance of fostering supportive and respectful classroom environments. These findings have practical implications for educators, institutions, and policymakers in West Java, providing valuable insights into enhancing the educational experience and outcomes for high school students.References
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