Enhancing Customer Buying Interest in Evolving Fashion Products Through Omni-Channel Marketing Strategies


  • Favian Firwan Univeristas Gadjah Mada
  • Andri Ardhiyansyah Universitas Nusa Putra




Influence, Selling Omni-channel, Buying Interest


The proper marketing plan will help draw buyers to continue to run well and continue to expand. Omni-channel is one of the right media methods. Omni-channel is a networking platform, both online and offline, carried out by clients of interconnected enterprises. Some firms use multiple Omni-channel marketing tactics that would boost the purchasing demand for a brand's goods. The profits of products sold by the company are influenced by consumer buying interest. Similarly, the purchasing appetite of customers in this trend grows with fashion items that are gradually evolving. The literature review is carried out by writing the keyword "Omni-channel" for journals retrieved from the source, namely Google Scholar so that eight journals are screened after and according to this report. Omni-channel will raise customer purchasing interest, especially in fashion goods currently evolving rapidly, based on the eight journals received. More businesses can enhance the level of service and sell these fashion products better and broaden the reach of marketing. Omni-channel marketing, particularly for fashion goods, affects customer purchasing desire, which is currently growing, especially with the number of designers producing different contemporary fashion models.


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How to Cite

Firwan, F., & Ardhiyansyah, A. (2023). Enhancing Customer Buying Interest in Evolving Fashion Products Through Omni-Channel Marketing Strategies. Eastasouth Proceeding of Economics and Business, 1(1), 01–09. https://doi.org/10.58812/asemb.v1i1.1