Exploring Tourism Experiences a Qualitative Approach to Analyzing Tourist Motivations


  • Ammar Muhtadi Eastasouth Institute




Traveler Motivation, Tourism, Qualitative Approach, Experiential Exploration, Culture and History, Nature Adventure


This study aims to explore travelers' motivations in tourism experiences with a qualitative approach. Through in-depth interview analysis and content analysis of travelers' narratives, four main themes of travelers' motivations were identified: cultural and historical exploration, adventure and nature exploration, the search for relaxation and tranquility, and culinary and gastronomic experiences. The findings provide an in-depth picture of the complexity of traveler motivations, which are influenced by social, cultural, and personal factors. Interpretation of the results in the context of motivation theory and consumer behavior strengthens the understanding of the dynamics of tourist motivation. The implications of the findings are important for the development of more effective and sustainable tourism strategies, enabling destination managers to design attractive and relevant tourism programs and improve destination marketing.


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How to Cite

Muhtadi, A. (2024). Exploring Tourism Experiences a Qualitative Approach to Analyzing Tourist Motivations. Eastasouth Proceeding of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(01), 79–86. https://doi.org/10.58812/ephss.v1i01.40