Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Transfer and Workforce Adaptation in Start-up Companies in Indonesia


  • Tera Lesmana Sanskara Karya Internasional



Artificial Intelligence, Job Transfer, Workforce Adaptation, Start-up Companies


In the rapidly evolving landscape of the global workforce, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries and job roles. Indonesian start-up companies, known for their agility and innovation, are actively embracing AI. This research aimed to investigate the implications of AI adoption in Indonesian start-ups and its effects on job roles, employee skills, and workforce adaptation. Qualitative data was gathered through interviews with employees and managers in various stages of AI integration. Findings reveal that AI has shifted job roles from routine to complex tasks, highlighting augmentation over automation. Digital literacy, data interpretation, and problem-solving skills emerged as critical attributes. Companies with fully integrated AI actively invested in upskilling and reskilling initiatives, though they encountered challenges related to the cost of training and employee resistance. The "Making Indonesia 4.0" initiative aligns with these findings, emphasizing technology's role in driving economic growth. This research underscores the dynamic relationship between AI integration and workforce adaptation, offering both challenges and opportunities for Indonesian start-up companies.


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How to Cite

Lesmana, T. (2024). Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Transfer and Workforce Adaptation in Start-up Companies in Indonesia. Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology, 1(01), 63–73.