For Author

  1. Requesting a Quotation

    Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) publishes full conference proceedings. Therefore, publication proposals can only be submitted by conference organizers. Authors cannot directly submit their articles. Conference organizers must initiate the process by requesting a quote, which can be accessed under the 'Publish' tab on the top right of this website.

    The quote request process aims to document proceeding submissions later curated in our database. Additionally, it allows conference organizers to assess the proceedings before publication to ensure that all requirements are met. By providing a comprehensive record of quote requests, we aim to create a roadmap for a wide range of fields of study. This can motivate other conference organizers to submit their proceedings, contributing to enriching reports that significantly impact the community.

    Therefore, we emphasize the importance of conference organizers providing accurate and truthful information during the quote request process and maintaining open communication with our team.

  2. Submission Fee

    Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) does not charge authors for any submission. All charges related to the publication of the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) are the responsibility of the conference organizer.

  3. Manuscript Preparation

    Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) has Law, Social, and Humanities. All areas of subjects are unique to one another, meaning that different guidelines and templates will be applied to meet acceptance criteria. This guideline complements general information to assist the publication of the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) alongside the template.

    It should be noted that relevance to subject areas plays an essential role in a publication. Therefore, conference organizers and authors must carefully consider this Matter before submission. Neglecting other aspects of a successful magazine, such as the validity of research, fair distribution of credentials in particular cases involving multiple authors, verification to prevent plagiarism, and the like will make acceptance unlikely. Suppose there is a suspicion of plagiarism through the use of the software by the administrator of the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) . In that case, the editors will ask for clarification from the corresponding Author and possibly the conference organizers.

    Manuscript submission must be in English, preferably written using the American spelling (en-us, EN-US). Submission in other languages may be possible for the United Nations to recognize the language. Further consultation with the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) editorial staff is necessary should there be this type of submission. Please see the list of languages on this link:

    Other linguistic aspects are considered of higher importance, including the correct use of grammar, spelling, accurate scientific terms, and the like. It will likely result in distraction from the science being discussed in a manuscript and a delay in publication. To prevent this scenario, it is strongly encouraged for the authors to have their manuscripts proofread by native-speaker colleagues. An additional fee might be charged should there be a need to extensively correct the manuscript by the Editorial Staff at Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) .

  4. Accepted File Format

    Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) accepts all manuscripts in Microsoft Word template (preferably the latest edition) in a .docx extension. This will allow a short time to complete the copy-edit and publication of accepted manuscripts. The file should not exceed 10 MB.

  5. Types of Submission

    Generally, the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) receive manuscripts that the conference organizer already prepared. They may receive a variety of manuscripts, such as clinical trial reports, original research articles, literature reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and case reports. In that case, this is based on the merit set by the conference organizers.

    1. The original research article has never been published or appeared in any conference. It should be noted that any submission that has appeared on official repositories, both Non-Governmental and Governmental Organizations, cannot be considered by the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) Editorial Team.
    2. A clinical trial report that is valid and approved by the government meets the ethical research conducted on the experimental object.
    3. A literature review, systematic review, meta-analysis, and case report relevant to the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) series may also be submitted. It should be noted that this type of submission must meet the criteria that the conference organizers impose.
  6. Parts of Manuscript

    The manuscript must consist of these aspects:

    1. Front Matter: title, authors, affiliations, and contacts, abstract
    2. Research Discussion: introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusion
    3. Back Matter: appendices or supplementary materials (if any), acknowledgment (if any), declaration of conflict of interest (if any), references.
      1. Front Matter

        1. Title

          The title should be stated briefly, specific, and properly spelled in accordance to the designated spelling system. It should explicitly reflect the content of the manuscript.

        2. Authors, affiliations, and contacts

          The order of name may vary depending on agreement among authors (in the case of multiple authorship). The names are written in the order of first name and surname. If there is no surname provided, the first name may be repeated. All affiliations must start with the working unit within a university or institution (if any), then followed by the name of the faculty, university, city, and country. At least one author is assigned to be the corresponding author in whose email address should be provided. This will allow the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) administrator to contact them for further notification or matters related to their publication.

        3. Abstract

          The abstract should be written in around 200-300 words in a single paragraph without repeating the title under the abstract heading. It should include a brief summary of the whole manuscript which starts from the background of the study, relevant methods that are applied, the results of the research, and the conclusion. The abstract must have strong relevance that represents the whole content of the article. Provide at least three up to five keywords in which they are written in lowercase.

      2. Research Discussion

        1. Introduction

          The introduction should have concise yet relevant to the whole research which is reflected in a brief explanation of research highlights and its future importance should there be an actual application of the research. Another important aspect that should also be included in any controversial or thought-provoking hypothesis in that it can resonate well with the highlights of the research. The purpose and the background of the studies must be explicitly mentioned and expressed in a coherent and elaborate manner. Please avoid using frequent jargon. If necessary, provide the meaning at the beginning of usage.

        2. Methods

          The methods may vary depending on the relevance of the field of study that suits the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) series. In several fields of study, methods can be extensively elaborated. For instance, in the field of chemistry, physics, or geography. It might also depend on the preference of a certain conference organizer that issued specific author guidelines and emphasized methods. Generally, methods should include a set of strategic planning from the beginning of research that is intended as a guideline for researchers in the field, the process of conducting the research and the role of each researcher in the field, and the devices or tools that are utilized in obtaining the data as well as their property status, whether they are being lent or owned by the researchers or specific institutions. In some cases, a detailed utilization of software, preferably that has an institutional license must be included as well.

        3. Results and Discussion

          The outcome of the research is explicitly described with critical opinion and interpretation from the researchers and experts involved. If necessary, a comparison of results from other research in similar fields is provided as well. In this section, more elaborate results and discussions in the form of data analysis are provided with field documentation such as photos or software-generated images, tables, figures, or statistics. Please refer to the templates for more detail on providing suitable supplementary materials that appear on the manuscript.

        4. Conclusion

          The conclusion should reflect and be faithful to the process of conducting research from the initial stage which leads to the acquisition of new knowledge resulting from the research. If necessary, this may also include the possibility of further research plans as well. This section is where acknowledgment to the funding agency, experts, technicians, or institutions that partake in the fieldwork or independent studies with the researchers involved.

        5. Important Note Regarding In-text Citation

          Consistency in an in-text citation must be strictly followed. Depending on the series, the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) uses a variety of styles. For the most part of the series, such Life and Health use the Springer MathPhys (numeric, brackets) and Humanities and Social Sciences uses the American Psychology Association (APA) 7th edition. In many reference managers, these styles may not be included by default. If that is the case, please refer to the links below to download the style beforehand. Alternatively, the selected reference managers provided in-app downloads without actually clicking on any of these links or plugins available for word processors such as Microsoft Word, WPS Office Suite, OpenOffice, or LibreOffice. There are no preferred reference managers set by the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) for as long as manuscripts are able to maintain the use of in-text citations based on what each series preferred and in-text citations are also reflected in the reference list.

          • Mendeley
          • Zotero Springer MathPhys (numeric brackets)
          • Zotero APA 6th Edition
          • EndNote
          • Papers
          • Back Matter
          • References
      3. Back Matter

        1. References

          The list of references is arranged in an alphabetical manner. The Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) recommends some software that can be utilized to generate a better citation based on the criteria of each series using Mendeley, Zotero, EndNotes, or Papers. Please refer to the template for more detail regarding the arrangement of references.

        2. Acknowledgment

          Authors may elaborate this section by providing information regarding their source of funding, the people or organization that assist the research procedure, and if any, the promoter of research who provide translation, proofreading, additional expert opinion, and support prior to publication on the conference.

        3. Supplementary Materials or Appendices

          This section depends much on the merit of each conference organizer. However, the insertion of images taken from software, figures, tables, direct documentation, or images from specific sources must follow the prerequisite issued by the Proceedings of Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology (EPNST) that is provided on the official template. Information regarding the selected software must be provided as well.

        4. Conflict of Interest

          Prior to the publication of the conference, all manuscripts must declare any circumstances or situations that may insinuate conflict of interest which can be imposed to a possible academic or legal dispute. If there is no conflict of interest, simply state so in brevity.