Analyzing the Relationship Between Technology Usage and Work Productivity


  • Ammar Muhtadi Sanskara Karya Internasional



Technology Usage, Work Productivity, Employee Skills, Training, Job Satisfaction


This research investigates the intricate relationship between technology use and employee work productivity within the realm of start-up companies. Operating in dynamic, competitive environments, start-ups have increasingly leveraged technology to optimize their performance and efficiency. The study employs a quantitative research approach, utilizing surveys to gather data from employees in various start-up companies. The primary objectives include elucidating the connection between technology use and productivity, exploring mediating and moderating factors, and providing actionable insights for start-ups aiming to enhance employee performance through technology. The findings reveal a moderately positive correlation between technology use and productivity. Mediation analysis highlights the significance of employee skills, training, and job satisfaction, while moderation analysis underscores the role of organizational culture and leadership style. This research equips start-up companies with valuable knowledge to optimize technology utilization in their quest for success.


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How to Cite

Muhtadi, A. (2024). Analyzing the Relationship Between Technology Usage and Work Productivity. Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology, 1(01), 84–93.