Impact of Technological Advances on Environmental Sustainability in West Java


  • Riska Rahmawati Universitas Nusa Putra



Technological Advances, Environmental Sustainability, West Java


Using a quantitative research approach, the research paper investigates the impact of technological advances on environmental sustainability in West Java, Indonesia. The study aims to assess the extent to which technological innovations have influenced environmental sustainability indicators in the region. Key findings from the research suggest that technological adoption, particularly in renewable energy and advanced waste management, has positively impacted environmental sustainability. Notably, the study reveals improved air quality in urban areas and a significant reduction in landfill usage. However, regional disparities in technology adoption highlight the need for targeted interventions to ensure equitable benefits. The results emphasize the significance of policies promoting environmentally sustainable technologies and provide valuable insights for West Java policymakers, businesses, and environmental organizations. The research underscores the importance of continued efforts to balance economic development with environmental preservation.


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How to Cite

Rahmawati, R. (2023). Impact of Technological Advances on Environmental Sustainability in West Java. Eastasouth Proceeding of Nature, Science, and Technology, 1(01), 74–83.